Ali + Tim

Ali and Tim’s wedding day did not start off the way I had imagined. Talking to Ali on the phone as I pulled up to her house, it was clear from the sound in her voice that something wasn’t right. Her voice was hoarse, and she sounded exhausted. “I think I have the flu,” she muttered. “It’s going around. My Dad has it, too.”
That morning was a tough one for Ali and the family. There were points throughout the day where I didn’t know how she was going to pull through. Ali’s a tough one though. She managed to make light of a truly unfortunate situation, and I think her determination comes through nicely in their video. Cheers to Tim and the rest of the family for helping each other stay positive to celebrate a truly unforgettable and beautiful wedding day.
A huge special thanks to photographer Rob Witzel for introducing me to Ali and Tim and providing support and laughter throughout the day, and thanks to Ali, Tim and their family for allowing me to take part in this special event. Hope you enjoy the video.
Music: The Long Valley “Our Adventure”